We all know the steps it takes to look good every day. Wake up, wash face, put on products (we hope you are using SPF), make up (or not) and then it is on to your routine. Add in facials with your favorite Esthetician, and usually, you are on the roadmap to amazing results!
However, there is a major factor in skin health that is a little less talked about - the correlation between your skin's health and your gut. A proper diet and consumption of non-inflammatory foods can really make a huge difference, and can be that final factor in achieving the ideal skin look.
Looking after your gut will allow you to simplify your skincare routine, help you achieve a smooth, balanced and glowing complexion – and make you feel better too.
Why Should I Care?
When it comes to skin health, more and more studies are linking good skin to a healthy gut. Scientists have found links between gut health and skin issues such as eczema, rosacea, and acne!
Where there is gut inflammation, there will typically be skin inflammation. A 2017 study reports that individuals with rosacea have a higher incidence of gastrointestinal disease, and a 2012 study found that patients with IBD may experience lesions and other skin disorders. This why it’s so important to address gut health —because once you do, your skin will radiate a glow that no amount of topical treatments, facials, and cosmetics can replicate!
The gut is where 70% of your immune system lies, where all of our magic happens. This can greatly affect us if not in balance or working properly.
If we’re not getting enough nutrients or digesting food properly due to poor gut health, our skin won't receive the nutrition it needs to support it. This affects skin elasticity and collagen production, and will produce dull, lackluster skin. Similarly, if we are not detoxifying properly, the skin – as the body’s largest elimination organ will suffer.
To achieve a healthy gut, we need to support good bacteria in our digestive system. The gut is home to trillions of microbes that outnumber the body’s cells - 10 to 1. An abundance of bad bacteria can contribute significantly to skin problems, from acne, rosacea, premature aging of the skin, lackluster skin and poor energy levels amongst other health and beauty issues. Where there is gut inflammation, there will also be skin inflammation.
People who have a generally have a healthier gut microbiome may have a healthier fatty acid profile in their skin, meaning their skin is more moisturized, hydrated and protected! This is the goal!
Where Do I Find Good Bacteria and How Can I Improve My Gut Health?
Unfortunately, our lifestyles today do not contribute to an environment that is ideal for good gut bacteria. Stress, processed food, antibiotics, alcohol, cigarettes, sugar and pollution can all compromise good bacteria and feed the pathogenic bacteria.
Prebiotics are a huge help to boost the growth of friendly bacteria. You can find prebiotics in foods like onions, garlic, leeks, asparagus, oats and apples. If you aim to get a varied intake of fiber-rich fruit and vegetables each day, then you're on the right track! These include non-digestible food substances found in asparagus, bananas, endive, chicory, garlic, globe and Jerusalem artichokes, kefir, leeks, onions as well as foods rich in soluble fibre. Probiotic-rich, lacto-fermented foods such as sauerkraut, kefir and yoghurt are also gut heroes. Meat bone broths are also high in minerals and other essential nutrients and are excellent for healing the lining of the gut.
Other beneficial gut foods include chlorophyll-rich greens such as celery, alfalfa and sea vegetables as well as fibre-rich foods and green tea. Herbs that may aid digestive health include: fennel, chamomile, slippery elm, ginger, peppermint, lemon verbena, lemon balm, dandelion root, yellow dock, gentian root, slippery elm, licorice root, meadowsweet, oregano, garlic, pau d’arco, ginseng.
Some lifestyle options to help ease gut troubles are to eat smaller meals and chew food slowly so it liquefies before you swallow. Saliva contains digestive enzymes that help to break down what you are eating! Avoid drinking with your meal as it dilutes those digestive enzymes and prevents them from working.
LeClairé Skincare also carry an amazing suite of supplements called Q CORE that offers complete system protection, efficient absorption, and precise nutrient delivery from head to toe. Their 3 product suite includes their Q Biotics line which contains an incredibly sturdy, healthy bacteria that survives extreme heat, cold and acidity — naturally. This soil-sourced spore probiotic is enhanced with an exclusive prebiotic herbal blend and soluble fiber to provide a gentle detox and help normalize digestive issues.
In short, taking care of your insides is one of the quickest ways to get your skin glowing and feeling hydrated.